Your Property! Your Goals! Our Mission! Productivity & Aesthetics
“Our mission is to help you make your property more productive and appealing”

Let us help you with…..
Taking soil samples
Understanding Fertilizer Needs
Building Better Soil Health
Herbicide Applications
Pesticide & Fertilizer Sales
Planting Winter Pastures
Planting Permanent Pastures
Removing Brush
Shredding Pastures

CHB Consulting
Donnie Dippel has over 40 years of experience working in agriculture fields. His company, CHB Consulting, manages the Certified Crop Advisor program for the State of Texas, the Texas Ag Industries Association and the Texas Vegetation Management Association and serves as lobbyist for both of these two associations.
CHB is a member of numerous committees, and contributes experience and knowledge to various aspects of agriculture throughout the state. CHB runs a cattle operation and does land management helping land owners in the surrounding areas.